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Showing posts from March 4, 2018 is a script that I wrote to manage blocklists from bluetack etc to be used in conjunction with Transmission torrent downloader in Linux/MacOS. The script can be taylored to work with Qbittorrent as well, but the placement of the blocklists means you'd have to redirect the blocklist to go somewhere locally manageable as Transmission uses its own blocklist directory in .config. I believe there are about 10 lists there now. It works well for my needs. It can be ran weekly using crontab in standard user profile.  To download: To download the others:  Github


As I stated previously, there is no shortage in software for Linux. Each task seems to have more than one really good application. Here I will go over 10 things I can’t do without/ or software I’ve read about and really am interested in. No specific order. I will follow up with a 10 Open Source Software I Hate article later. V IVALDI: There are a few good ones out there. Anyone can see that Linux isn’t exactly as limited as it used to be in this case. However, for my own use and purpose, Vivaldi is at the top of the list of browsers. It is built on Chromium and has the same Javascript engine, what makes it different is the interface. You can do almost anything with the interface. You can stack similar tabs, you can prioritize audio across tabs, you can hibernate background tabs to spare resources, something that takes a third party extension to do on other browsers. DELUGE: I get it, I’m using Transmission right now, but Deluge is by far the best Bittorr...


In Linux, there is no shortage of tools to do any one task. There are several browsers, at least 5 or 6 good, common file managers, there are even a multitude of text editors. The same can be said about resource monitoring applications. Ncdu, much akin to running similar commands such as du by itself or even akin to Windirstat, a popular, open source application for windows, this utility can scan and display specific problem areas of disk usage in an instant. Cache, Configuration, Package cache, all will show up depending upon the directory you flag after typing Ncdu. Just running the command, ncdu, will give a basic overview of the home folder. This is useful when you forgot that you downloaded 8 different BDRIP movies and you are curious why your file manager says you’re out of space. Ncdu is more simple to read than just using du by itself, as du often gives the full directory path. It makes it difficult to see as it is finer print than what is displayed by Ncdu. Ncdu...