is a script that I wrote to manage blocklists from bluetack etc to be used in conjunction with Transmission torrent downloader in Linux/MacOS. The script can be taylored to work with Qbittorrent as well, but the placement of the blocklists means you'd have to redirect the blocklist to go somewhere locally manageable as Transmission uses its own blocklist directory in .config. I believe there are about 10 lists there now. It works well for my needs. It can be ran weekly using crontab in standard user profile. To download: To download the others: Github
Task scheduling is an important and useful option
built into both Windows and Linux. For a while there, if you
wanted to schedule tasks in Unix, it wasn’t as easy as Windows,
technically, it still isn’t, however, it has grown leaps and bounds
over what it used to be. With Linux(built from similar code as Unix), you have a multitude of options,
Cron and Anacron are just two such options. Today, we’ll focus
mainly on these two, the similarities and differences. What makes
each of them great, what might make one better than the other
depending upon the individual circumstance. Task Scheduling in
Windows was a difficult thing for me to learn as well, but it was
pretty straight forward once I figured it out. In Linux, you have to
either use the built-in Systemd or Cron/Anacron. Systemd is a
really good thing to use if you are trying to be more precise with
regards to timing, however, that is for a later article.
Both Cron and Ananacron use the system time, but
what makes these two different is that Anacron runs 5 minutes after
the computer is booted, then waits until the hour that the job was
scheduled each day/week/month. Anacron is also picky about the shell
environment used to perform system functions on such a basis. This
could be a downside for new users who want to use third party scripts
to handle maintenance and other things without them having to work at
the system manually all the time. For those users, there is Cron, but
it too takes a small amount of knowledge to set up. Crontab uses the
system mail protocol which is the smtp server. Most things in Linux
no longer require use of this tool as it is deprecated. This is not a
requirement as many jobs can be forwarded to a log file as well from
Cron is a bit more simplistic to use, in Ubuntu,
the Crontab file even has a basic outline of how to use the program.
Crontab also offers a convenient Home Folder backup script in the
Ubuntu version. Arch users are left with a clean file, they have to
know the syntax to create their own jobs. One thing that Cron does
have going for it though, it can use the Bash(Born Again Shell) or
the regular shell. Cron has two modes, Root and User. The two
separate modes will inact functions based on respective account
privileges. If you are a standard user, you might find it difficult
to run maintenance or backup tasks from Cron, whereas if you are a
root, you will have an infinite amount of system resources to utilize
at your disposal. Anacron uses the root account only to make changes
to the system, such as; updates, apt-xapien, updatedb, mandb,
Anacron has hours, days, weeks, months as its
primary time settings, each of these is a separate folder that
interacts on the system based on the time that anacron set it up to
use when you installed your system. Both Crontab and Anacron are
installed on most desktop systems and servers as of today, but this
is not always the case, in Manjaro, cronie has to be added in order
to use the Crontab. In early versions of Cron, such as early Unix
systems, Cron was thought of as a system service or Daemon, which was
started via /etc /rc. At
first, Cron didn’t have multi-user mode available on its own, it
relied heavily on Unix systems for that, but in later versions,
multi-user support was added.
Cron uses a pretty
straightforward syntax. The
syntax of Cron Table(Crontab), is as follows: ex.
MM HH DOM M DOW Command to execute. In other words, you’d supply
the minute(MM), followed by the hour(HH), followed by the day of
month(DOM), followed by the month(M), followed by the day of the
week(DOW). The minutes could be any number between 0 and 59, the
hours could be anything between 0 and 23, the day of the month could
be anything between 1 to 31, the month could be anything between 1
and 12, the day of the week could be any number between 0 and 6 with
7 being acceptable on some systems. The Command to execute could be
anything the user writes, anything tailored for the user, and
anything the system normally runs. For instance, if I wrote a script
to update my hosts and named it hostsupdate, say I wanted to run it
once, daily at around 5:30. I could simply run the following: 30 17 *
* * /bin /bash /home
/$USER /hostsupdate.
Of course, at this time, that will run whatever is in the script, but
if I wanted to check its work, I’d have to add the line cat /etc
/hosts > hosts.log
in the file. If I simply wanted to be alerted that it ran, I could
type the cron job with > log1 and log1 would be created in my home
directory. Another way that I haven’t tried, but might be possible,
running two commands together in a crontab string. 30 17 * * * /bin
/bash /home /$USER /hostsupdate && cat /etc /hosts >
hosts.log. Note
that for a script to update the hosts file, I need to run it using
the BASH shell.
upon your needs, Cron may be better than Anacron, however, if you
just want to run a simple update procedure at the same time every day
or week, Anacron is a great tool to use that is built into Linux
systems already. Next week, I
will probably be getting into /etc /rc
and /etc /init.d along with system timers for systemd. If
you’d like to know more about these options for task scheduling in
Linux, open a terminal and type man cron or man anacron. Also, there
is a text based website that gives you similar information, link will
be below. Also for more information from Anacron itself, type less /etc /anacrontab in a terminal.
Link to find more:
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