Solus Linux is a really innovative distribution in how it handles its curated list of packages and third-parties. Solus also has a ground-up project of Budgie desktop which is very modern and stylish. EOPKG is the preferred package management across all of their desktop offerings which is forked from PiSi package manager originally created for Pardus Linux. Solus has not only forked the original package manager, they have made great improvements in its built in feature list as well. Solus Linux is an independent distribution and so is the EOPKG package management system as Pardus no longer caters to PiSi. EOPKG has many features now that weren’t included in earlier releases of Solus; One such feature is the ability to easily roll back updates with a single line command. EOPKG stores history of every operation done since system installation. This includes updates and updates to the repositories. To view the history of the package management, simply enter sudo eopkg history in the terminal. This gives you a long list in less format so that you can easily scroll the screen. If you’ve been running Solus for a while, this can be an extensive list. The list includes numbers representing the operations. To use this to roll back to a previous update simply find the preferred number and type: sudo eopkg history -t $number where $number is equal to the value of the number you wish to revert to. EOPKG is a very well done package management system and if Linux ever went to one package manager, this would be my favorite so far. Solus also has polished desktop environments but that is for a later article. The eopkg –help command is littered with useful options and the manual pages are particularly useful for new users. This is one package manager that needs more attention in my opinion. There are many other features than this which would require their own articles, but for today, I thought I would highlight this wonderful aspect. Note: Pardus team was the original developers of the PiSi package manager, off of which, EOPKG is based. Pardus has since moved from completely free distribution to paid solution and have also changed their preferred package management from PiSi to apt and so they no longer offer updates to PiSi. I have included a help snippet in my Solus-Toolbox script(links will be below). This isn’t something I’ve added as of yet, but it is in the works, along with a problem solving function which will revert several of the backed up key system files to their previously working state in the event that someone runs updates and these files get made unusable or the system becomes unbootable, this will hopefully help in certain situations.
I wrote an article before about making Pale Moon more private. I covered a few of the settings and back end changes I make each time I install it. I mentioned Noscript, but I didn’t give any details about how I set it up. First though, you have to get the version already marked for your version of “Firefox” or in this case, Pale Moon. If you went to you would probably find the Pale Moon addons page devoted to the newest possible Noscript being marked specifically for Pale Moon. Other versions may work, but these are hybrid addons and the closer we get to Noscript 10, the less I trust it to work with Pale Moon specifically. I just opt to stick with 5.0.6. There have been people asking about what happens when Maone, the developer stops supporting the hybrid versions of Noscript, “Will it work with Pale Moon?” Why yes it will. Noscript blocks scripts, that’s its main function and it will do that as long as Java script exists on a page. ...
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