is a script that I wrote to manage blocklists from bluetack etc to be used in conjunction with Transmission torrent downloader in Linux/MacOS. The script can be taylored to work with Qbittorrent as well, but the placement of the blocklists means you'd have to redirect the blocklist to go somewhere locally manageable as Transmission uses its own blocklist directory in .config. I believe there are about 10 lists there now. It works well for my needs. It can be ran weekly using crontab in standard user profile. To download: To download the others: Github
Arch Linux, a rolling release distribution, has great documentation.
Everything to do with a terminal command even for Ubuntu can be found
in the Arch Wiki or some other form of Arch documentation. The
problem with Arch Linux is that it is so very difficult to install
for new users. Many times when going into an arch related forum,
you get called names and ridiculed for asking a question. Manjaro
Linux on the other hand, they don’t do that. They are knowledgeable
and helpful. They offer almost immediate assistance, at least within
24 hours. They have equally good documentation for a lot of the
things related to Arch and their own distro. Many times, it is
encouraged still to use the Arch Wiki, however.
There are three branches within the Manjaro package management world.
Each has their own set of mirrors. When switching between them, it is
advisable to use sudo pacman-mirrors b(ranch)
and then the
branch’s name. This generates a mirrorlist for your branch. If you
are on stable and just want to load a faster branch, they have
recently made changes that better facilitate that. To get a faster
set of mirrors, sudo pacman-mirrors -f
5 this generates a mirrorlist with the five speediest and most local
mirrors for your area. Stable usually doesn’t update very often,
but when it’s been a while or when checking and the repositories
synchronize very slowly, it is a great idea to run this. You can
alternatively run sudo pacman-mirrors -G for the stable branch as
Manjaro is only one of the Arch-based distributions as there are a
few, but it is the one that is most user-friendly. It has a graphical
or otherwise easily readable tool for almost every part of the set up
process now. I have scripts that help set up a system, and yeah,
these do this in under an hour, but it’s almost as easy to do it
without. It does take a while for getting started at first, however,
it took me two or three days to get the hang of it myself. I had to
often find solutions for things, but it was half the fun. It is very
good at multiple things, as a general distribution it can do almost
anything. Maybe Ubuntu server is still better for server stuff, but
Manjaro is the most usable client distribution that I’ve ever used.
I didn’t even have to have a Computer Science degree to manipulate
Manjaro Linux is a full featured distribution. Applications like
Gimp, Libreoffice, Firefox, Audacious, VLC-Nightly and others are
already pre-installed. My biggest gripe right now is that VLC-Nightly
is installed rather than the stable version. VLC has problems in
Manjaro right now with no qt4 plugins installed. Easy to fix though.
Just install Clementine, remove audacious(unless you like it or
rhythmbox), remove vlc-nightly and install stable vlc. That getst VLC
working perfectly again. All in all, I wouldn’t consider that a
shortcoming, more like a minor inconvenience. But the other packages
work flawlessly. I only had to install Opera, Vivaldi, and a few
sensor programs to help me monitor my temps. Manjaro already has
sensor applications built in, they’re just not exactly what I use.
Kernels are a big thing in the Linux world, you hear about them
often. Kernels are the very base part of the Linux distribution that
takes over after the BIOS of the machine and automatically loads and
houses the drivers. Without the Kernel your system wouldn’t work…
at all. Manjaro implemented its own Gui utility to help with managing
Kernels and drivers. This is a special settings manager for that and
for installing language packs. This was a genius idea by the Manjaro
team. It allows you to quickly and effortlessly install whatever
kernels you want to have on your system for testing. I wouldn’t
recommend installing new kernels though. Most of the time, issues
arise that hamper sleep mode or graphical support in a newer version.
Even networking issues have arisen from upgrading to the newest LTS
on the block. Generally, it’s been pretty easy to just load Manjaro
up, Install it, then leave the default kernel alone. Manjaro already
uses an LTS that’s stable and lasts for a long time. Even when the
kernel reaches EOL, it’s generally ok to keep running it for a
while, the kernel will cease to get upgrades, but the system won’t.
Manjaro is a rolling release like Arch. Sometimes it’s necessary to
install an older kernel for older hardware, but otherwise, I’d
leave the default.
Manjaro carries with it many up-to-date packages. These packages are
almost bleeding edge, but they do provide their own testing before
they are released to stable. This allows the stable Manjaro user to
get only the best that Arch has to offer. Randomly, Manjaro has had
its issues, but the developers owned it, it was usually rectified
shortly after. Manjaro Stable is still almost as stable as Ubuntu…
Almost! For a new user, they do still have a little ways to go, but
they are so close, with Manjaro 17.1.1 they are closer than they’ve
ever been.
There is almost no maintenance required. Granted, most users will
want to do a few things. Many users coming from Windows remember how
things use to be. Just a few simple commands are needed. Those simple
commands are;
sudo rm -r .cache/*
sudo rm -r .thumbnails/*
sudo rm -r ~/.local/share/Trash/*
Occasionally sudo pacman -Rs $(pacman -Qqdt)
These clean and maintain a pretty healthy installation in themselves.
It just gets out of your way and lets you do things. You don’t have
to worry about updating every day, but if you did update every day it
would probably be ok. It also allows you the ability to ignore
packages if something breaks. Manjaro isn’t lacking anything,
Almost any software you’d find on Windows is either here or has a
replacement that is here. Their Xfce desktop is the very best
iteration of Xfce. It’s clean, it themes well. Everything just
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